Sunday, March 4, 2007

How To Fortune Tell By Interpreting A Person's Face

How To Fortune Tell By Interpreting A Person's Face
By Paula

Physiognomy or Anthroposomancy is a divinational system by which a persons characteristics and temperament are interpreted from their facial appearance. It is said that a persons face will reflect the spirit of that person and interpreting a persons face reveals his or hers true personality. Records of the art of face reading go back for more than 3,200 years to the Chou dynasty. The book “The simple guide to face reading “ written during the Sung dynasty (960–1279), is still the basic source of information in Asia where physiognomy is more popular than palmistry. Aristotle commended the practice whilst Hippocrates also believed that ones face could reveal future disease.

Most psychics as well as the general public continue to use physiognomy in one way or an other in order to read peoples faces that they come into contact with. A tired drawn look often reveals that an individual is worried or over stretched. A radiant face indicating a sense that things are positive in their lives, with possibilities that their love life or work situation is flourishing. It’s often said that people who avoid looking directly eye to eye are dishonest or have something to hide. Judgements based on the way a person looks are quite common and are often quite accurate; for example he/she has an honest face. Although we inherit our general features, our personal lives and experiences also add considerably to our features. In Japan a practice known as ‘Ninso’ is practised today and incorporates the shape, contour and texture of the face, eyes and hair as well as colouring.

People with ‘circle’ faces are said to be optimistic and social and in touch with their feelings and emotions and have strong ethics They are said to have good business skills but tend to look to others for help in the early days of projects. People with ‘square ‘ faces have a bias for practical things and quick to grasp business or concept ideas. They are also said to be good leaders and have a stubborn streak. People with oval faces have the abilities of both the ‘square’ and the ‘circle’ face, this being moral instinct, good business skills and a pragmatic attitude towards success. ‘Triangular’ faces indicate people who get bored easily, they are said to have an analytical, questioning mind but tend to feel uncomfortable in social situations.

Physiognomists divide the face into three parts. The first is ‘Forehead’. The second the ‘Middle face’ around the nose area, and the third being the lower part of the face. It is said that if all three section are equal in length it indicates a well-balanced personality, but rather dull. If the forehead is longest area then it indicates a personality in which their head rules their heart. If the middle part is the most dominant then this reveals a capacity for endurance, common sense and a pragmatic attitude to life. A person with a dominant lower part of the face can have difficulties in communicating feelings and emotions and may tend to be cool and calculating.

Other aspects of the face are also taken into consideration, for example long unbroken lines on the forehead can indicate honesty, wavy lines a desire to travel whilst abrupt lines show forthcoming change.

Noses are also significant, a turned up nose is said to indicate a friendly and sociable person, whilst a turned down nose shows someone who is conservative and difficult to please. Nostril size can also play an important part; for example large nostrils indicate a strong character and small ones insecurity and idealism. The main characteristics with regards to chins depend on shape and width. For example a broad chin is supposed to indicate reliability, determination and mental and physical strength. A narrow chin can indicate an introvert, submissive type of person.

Large earlobes indicate future affluence, and an ambitious personality, small ones, some one who may be timid or shy. Ears that are small at the top but large at the bottom tell of someone who is bright and has a good memory. In Japan, ears that are low set on the head are a sign of nobility. Eyebrows that are heavy indicate a strong often overbearing personality whilst thin ones show that a person can be fussy. A gentle curved eyebrow shows some one who is calm and balanced, whilst arched a questioning nature.

Mouths too tell a lot about a person. A curved upwards one shows a good temperament whilst a downward one can indicate an unhappy person. A large mouth shows extravagance and a small one miserly fussy nature.

About the author
Paula is a gifted psychic and the owner of where your personal questions will be answered professionally and compassionately by Email.

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